Monday, January 16, 2012

Rant brb and nature calls

This is a very old text that never got posted .. but I seem to be pasting it constantly so I decided to post it.

I've always considered chatting something you do while doing something else, so to me it has never been something to that keeps work on hiatus , I don’t jump and drop everything because my IM beeped in my ear ...

If you can't answer just don't, that is fine by me. A note to those who take offense at those who leave without saying goodbye: don't ! When someone is leaving (often in a hurry) you are *the last person on their mind* ..

Of course I do find excusable, although unpractical, people who need to say ‘brb’ (often 30 times an hour when they are busy). I tell them to just go ... we're all busy, we all have jobs or better things to do than chat.

I rarely use the ‘brb’ personally, not by lack of courtesy, but... Well imagine telling 30 people that you will be back in a min...

(plus i personally don’t like using the trendy-now-common shorthands like lol).

And then you have people who are inexcusable... 'brb, nature calling and its a big one'. Seriously!?
I don't care and I don't want to know; I am rarely disgusted, so it's not the image that bothers me; but I can feel the stupidity causing a couple of my neurons to commit suicide by association to that person; if tweeted, they're banned, Instantly, before their whole day tweet becomes a log of bathroom breaks and a nose picking e-diary.